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JNS NP TF "Broken Wheels"
Tuesday 02 April 2019, 10:00am - 04:00pm
Contact GRB Secretariat
ERA Joint Network Secretariat Normal Procedure - Broken Wheels

due to an increasing number of reports on incidents (broken rims/webs of some wheel types) concerning freight wagons, a JNS Urgent Procedure (JNS UP) “Broken wheels” was launched.
Within a short period of time, a dedicated Task Force drafted a proposal for short-term measures for operating and maintaining these types of wheel sets, which were endorsed by JNS Panel and sent to you in July 2017.

Since further and deeper analysis is required on the topic, this is going to be done in a dedicated Task Force, within the framework of Joint Network Secretariat Normal Procedure (JNS NP).
Objective of the JNS NP TF on broken wheels is to develop definite mitigation measures.

Location Brussels (BE)

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