4th Railway Package
- 20211110 Need for a sufficient budget of the European Union Agency for Railways
- 20210202 GRB letter Fees Charges_EC_ERA-RISC members
- 20200330 Sector Letter to the EC_Implementation 4th RP TP
- 20191011 Sector Position on the Extension of the Area of Use
- 201910 CSM ASLP The big picture document_Sector position
- 20190429 GRB letter regarding RB involvement in ERA workgroups
- 20180719 GRB Position_Route compatibility check
- 20180717 CER EIM UIC Position Paper_COR_SMD
- 20170913 CER UNIFE EIM UIP EPTTOLA FEDECRAIL ERFA and NB-Rail - Letter on Fees and Charges
- 20170906 CER UNIFE UIP EPTTOLA FEDECRAIL ERFA and NB-Rail - Letter on Vehicle Authorisation
- 20170509 GRB position on the transition regime
- 20170427 GRB letter to the EC - 4th RP TP - VA
- 20170315 GRB Position - Fees and Charges
- 20170315 GRB position - Implementation of the 4RP Technical Pillar
- 20161125 GRB Position Paper- Linguistic Arrangements
- 20100311 Rail Freight - Joint letter to EC for more interoperability and stronger ERA
- 202007 SFR GRB Fact Sheet_Standardisation Ref & Harmon Standards
- 20180713 GRB_SFR Sector Vision for the future of reference standards
- 20150219 Interoperability - Joint letter to EC on funding CEN budget
- 20150715 Research - Joint letter to EC to accelerate the setting-up of Shift2Rail
- 20150420 Interoperability - Joint letter to CEN on closing of TSI Open Points
- 202006 RINF Joint paper (CER-ERFA-FEDECRAIL-UIRR) Recommendations for future developments
- 20150211 Rail Freight - Joint letter to EC on setting up of European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)
- 20170802 - RINF a Vision Paper (CER, EIM, UNIFE, EPTTOLA, FEDECRAIL, UIRR) - Recommendations for the stabilisation & development
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