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Written by Super User
Category: The ERA Regulation (EU) 2016/796
Created: 14 February 2019
Hits: 3289
The main changes in 2016/796 are summarised below:
- the ERA is the only body to issue EU-wide vehicle authorisations, approvals of ERTMS track-side equipment tenders and safety certificates;
- the ERA invoices fees & charges for its authorisations, approvals and certificates as well as for the support tools (IT tools, etc.);
- the ERA becomes the system authority for telematic applications and ERTMS;
- the ERA manages all registers and databases related to 2016/797, 2016/798 and 2007/59/EC;
- the ERA has the mandate to supervise and audit National Safety Authorities (NSAs); ECMs (entities in charge of maintenance), NoBos (notified bodies), as well as to monitor RU’s and IM’s SMS;
- the role and powers of the ERA to issue and apply EU rules as well as to reject national rules have been strengthened;
- the ERA can conclude agreements with non-EU countries (cooperation agreements, etc.);
- The ERA will be involved in R&D and spare parts coordination.
Role of ERA with regards to registers:
- the role of the infrastructure register (‘RINF’) has been strengthened and will be used for pre-operational route compatibility checks;
- the ERA will set up a new register for changes and change requests related to the telematic TSIs (TAF and TAP);
- the European vehicle register (EVR) must include information relevant for people with reduced mobility (PRM) and will incorporate all national vehicle registers;
- the ERA will have to develop a single rules database (SRD) which will replace several existing registers. (Reference Document Database (RDD) and Notification IT (NOTIF-IT)).
New IT tools under ERA management:
- the Agency developed the One-Stop Shop tool as electronic portal to submit applications for safety certification, vehicle authorisation and ERTMS trackside approval;
- the ERA developed a new ‘instrument’ for the exchange of safety-related information between the different actors and bodies (COR SAIT and COR SMD).